8 Questions You Should Ask Your Medical Negligence Solicitor

If you’re in the process of filing a claim for compensation, then you’ve probably hired a solicitor to help you with the process. If you’re not familiar with medical malpractice, then you’ll want to make sure your solicitor is, so be sure to ask these questions.

What Is Considered Indecent Assault And Battery?

Assault and battery is a criminal offense that can carry some stiff penalties and fines, and in some instances can come with jail time. Indecent assault and battery is a special classification that is more serious and can lead to different consequences. Indecent assault and battery is defined as any unwanted sexual contact that you have with someone without the addition of rape

How To Build The Best Defense For Drug Offense Allegations In Queens

If you are charged with any type of drug offense in Queens, it is imperative that you hire an attorney who deals specifically with defending drug offense cases. Someone with experience is more likely to build you a defense that can either lessen the consequences of being found guilty, or get your charges dismissed altogether.