Research Shows Covid-19 is spreading through Iowa deer population
80 percent of deer in Iowa tested positive for coronavirus.
80 percent of deer in Iowa tested positive for coronavirus.
Facebook is changing its name to Meta, which sounds like the Hebrew word for “dead”.
China Telecom Americas must now discontinue U.S. services within 60 days.
North Korea is already starving to death because of skyrocketing food prices.
Alec Baldwin shot and killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, 42, on set of the Western indie Rust on Thursday.
Several dogs stranded by lava from a volcano in La Palma, Spain, could soon be rescued.
Every October for the last four decades, Breast Cancer Awareness Month has helped to raise visibility of the most prevalent cancer on Earth.
Banned bitcoin miners were found using the state resources of China to carry on with their operations.
Video-sharing app TikTok allows pro anorexia hashtags to be searchable on the app.
Prices of fossil fuels around the globe are surging, leading some commodity pros to refer to the current condition as an energy crisis.