Microsoft Goes Visual At Build But The Coolest Thing Wasn’t Officially Part Of The Show
Microsoft Build, a lot of Mixed Reality, Tools, Windows Updates and a touch Of Magic. The Birth of Virtual Cortana.
Microsoft Build, a lot of Mixed Reality, Tools, Windows Updates and a touch Of Magic. The Birth of Virtual Cortana.
Naming 101, why the only thing most folks will agree on when it comes to a new name is that the person responsible for it is an idiot.
The FalseGuide Malware Threat May Be A Perfect Storm For BlackBerry
The new AMD Radeon RX 500 Graphics card family provides a lot of value for a little price.
Building Two Ryzen 5 Gaming Rigs, was amazed how what you could end up with for a reasonable amount of money.
Gartner and IDC numbers create a number of questions. Are HP or Lenovo leading, did Chrombooks just race past Macbooks, and can you trust any of this crap.
Donald Trump gives BlackBerry a huge accidental boost.
The Killer Feature in Windows 10 Creator’s Edition Isn’t What You Think
Everledger and IBM are combining Blockchain and Watson technology to eliminate Conflict Diamonds and this cold be used to reduce overall crime massively.
Ryzen 5 may be the best value for those building a gaming system on a budget.