How to deal with workplace discrimination before it gets to court

Discrimination at the workplace comes in different forms. Though you might want to live a quiet life both at home and at the workplace, discrimination, sometimes, becomes unavoidable. The best solution is to face it head on and find amicable solutions to it once and for all. Before you take the case to court, maybe you might want to tray some workplace solutions. Here’s how to go about it

Technical Expert Witness

Witnesses are called to provide clarity when certain aspects of an incident are disputed. For instance, a witness to a car accident can narrate his view of the incident occurrence from a neutral position.

Mohamed Ayachi Ajroudi, An Engineer With No Boundaries

Engineer and businessman, Mohamed Ayachi Ajroudi is the entrepreneur behind several technological innovations and numerous international companies. Originally from Tunisia, he continued his studies in France, and since 1981 is resident in Saudi Arabia.

How to defend yourself against wrongful drug possession charges

Many people go to prison every year for possessing drugs. Whiles some are guilty, others are sometimes accused wrongly. You could be in the same situation for wrongly possessing drugs – it could be found in your car or in your room. Sometimes, it’s just a misunderstanding, which could bring you serious drug offense charges if you don’t take the necessary steps.