Android is open in nature which has its benefits as well as concerns. The Google-owned operating system has bigger market share than Apple’s iOS with more than 900 million consumers enjoying the benefits of Google and its line of products/apps.
The concern with Android is directly related with its openness which makes it easy for anyone to break into. This is the reason why we have seen security features evolving with Android devices at a faster pace than with Apple.
While Apple feels content on working its way around with the Touch ID on the iPhone, Android device makers have tried their hands with Iris scanner. So, what does it say about Android in general? It’s not safe?

The proliferation of data begs for higher level of security on mobile. (Photo: iStockphoto)
And what is Google doing to get things straight? Zilch. Now, its up to technology companies like Samsung and BlackBerry to not only fork out their version of Android, but also add a layer of security to them, just to make sure no trouble is brewing.
Helping Hand
Google’s main objective behind letting loose Android was to ensure those using its OS give it the right level of restructuring from all corners. This was done at the cost of a lenient app certification model, that resulted in a lot of apps, but one that never satisfied in terms of quality.

Samsung Knox is the added security layer available on Galaxy devices. (Photo: Samsung)
There was a time when Samsung was synonymous with Android (more so than Google), which made a case for them to take the onus of Android’s security in their hands.
The Korean brand added a layer of security called Knox, which they claim is as secure as it can get. Well, Samsung worked with security experts Blackberry, so those claims can’t be far off the mark.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7, an Android phone that has already moved to using an Iris scanner. (Photo: The Quint)
Apart from a few encryption-related matters, or prescribing privacy features, Google has not given its all to make sure Android can be called in the same vein as iOS for its security. And this is why we feel that everyone (Xiaomi, Motorola, Samsung etc) is trying to make Android safer except for Google.
Everyone Wants a Piece of Android
Nokia is finally set to use Android later this year, BlackBerry’s already got a slew of phones on Android. We might have never seen this day coming, if security was the only thing that people were looking for. But with BlackBerry, security specialists for mobile, coming on board, Android could only get better.

DTEK security feature on the BlackBerry Priv. (Photo :The Quint)
The recent Apple-FBI tussle over unlocking a criminal’s phone set in motion a heated debate over whether such requests were legitimate. In fairness to Apple, they stood by their stance on data privacy which doesn’t change for anyone, even the FBI for that matter.
If Android had come under such scrutiny, will they be have been able to resist?
One would hope that if not Google, at least someone has the tools to make Android really secure.
Can Only Get Better
We’ve got nothing against Google for its efforts to make Android better. However, we fail to understand why others are putting more effort to make their version of Android safer, than Google itself.
We just want the best for Android, that could possibly make a compelling case for iOS users to make the uncharted dive.