Updated: Can Cowboys & Aliens take on the… Smurfs? August 1, 2011 by David Konow Updated: Can Cowboys & Aliens take on the… Smurfs?
George Lucas finally has a new story to tell July 31, 2011 by David Konow George Lucas finally has a new story to tell
On Kevin Costner and Django Unchained July 31, 2011 by David Konow On Kevin Costner and Django Unchained
Some thoughts on the end of Harry Potter July 30, 2011 by David Konow Some thoughts on the end of Harry Potter
Metallica celebrates 30 years of metal July 30, 2011 by David Konow Metallica celebrates 30 years of metal
Yes, the new Star Trek is still on track July 29, 2011 by David Konow Yes, the new Star Trek is still on track
From Cowboys and Aliens to retro porn!? July 29, 2011 by David Konow From Cowboys and Aliens to retro porn!?