5 Perfect Gifts For Your Spouse

Gifts are exchanged for a number of reasons. Sometimes to show love and gratitude and sometimes to celebrate occasions such as birthdays and Christmas.

Top 4 Reasons to Keep The Floors at Work Clean

Whatever type of business you operate, it pays to make sure the floors are spotless at all times. Doing so will benefit your company in more ways than one. Here are four examples to keep in mind if you are thinking of trying to save money by cutting back on the floor cleaning.

Why Video Conferencing is So Useful

Technology means we can seamlessly interact with people from all corners of the world, which was once an either expensive or unrealistic prospect. Meetings take place in multiple forms with video conferencing, using technologies which are commonplace in society and streamline communication.

4 Important Things You Should Know About Fire Extinguishers

No one has to convince you that having fire extinguishers in the workplace is a good idea. While you understand the basis, there are other things that you need to know about these important safety devices. Here are a few facts that you can put to good use.

Quitting Drinking

If alcohol is too much a part of your life, you’re not alone. In 2015, 26.9% of adults reported engaging in binge drinking within the last thirty days. 7% reported engaging in heavy alcohol use. It’s estimated that 6.2% of Americans over the age of 18 have an Alcohol Use Disorder.