Anonymous hackers associated with the AntiSec movement have conducted a successful hack and extract strike against IRC Federal.
The government-contracted IT company routinely works with a number of federal entities, including the FBI, Army, Navy, NASA and the Department of Justice.

“We laid nuclear waste to their systems, owning their pathetic windows box, dropping their databases and private emails, and defaced their professional looking website,” the group stated in an official communiqué.
“In their emails we found various contracts, development schematics, and internal documents for various government institutions.”
One of the more interesting documents seized by the group is an IRC Federal-FBI proposal for a Special Identities Modernization (SIM) Project that would “reduce terrorist and criminal activity by protecting all records associated with trusted individuals, [while] revealing the identities of those individuals who may pose serious risk to the United States and its allies.”
Other booty pwned by the AntiSec movement includes fingerprinting contracts for the DOJ, biometrics development for the military, strategy contracts for the “National Nuclear Security Administration Nuclear Weapons Complex,” and login info for various VPNs and access panels.
“If you place any value on freedom, then stop working for the oligarchy and start working against it,” the hackers warned in a parting shot to IRC Federal and future targets.
“Stop aiding the corporations and a government which uses unethical means to corner vast amounts of wealth and proceed to flagrantly abuse their power. Together, we have the power to change this world for the better.”
It should be noted that AntiSec’s latest strike against IRC Federal closely follows an extensive digital campaign waged against Arizona law enforcement officials by Anonymous hackers.