We all know that Xiaomi makes phones, a lot of them, but then they also make rice cookers, high flying drones, and even chic electric bikes. But now they have really gone beyond their horizons to give us a product that most of us wouldn’t mind buying.
For around $4, Xiaomi gives you the chance to get rid of mosquitoes from your life with its innovative yet very useful Mi Mosquito Repellent.

The mosquito repellant magic. (Photo Courtesy: Mi)
This affordable device supports generic mosquito mats which fits in between the plates which are made out of stainless steel. The best part about this product is that you can use it with a power bank.
The repellent weighs a meagre 25 grams, making it easy for consumers to carry during their travels. It is said that when used with a 20,000 mAh Mi Power bank, the device can offer you protection for over a day.

Powerbank enabled mosquito killer anyone? (Photo Courtesy: Mi)
It’s available in China right now, but we have no doubts that a power bank friendly mosquito repellant will be on the must buy list for lots consumers especially with the fear of Zika going around.