Android may be making an earnest dent in Apple’s tablet stranglehold, but there is one market the iPad is still absolutely killing.
It’s the enterprise market. That is, companies who buy tablets in bulk and give them to their employees or clients are far and away buying the iPad over anything else.
According to a company called Good Technology, which helps companies manage their mobile device network, and works with 49 of the Fortune 100 companies, 95% of new tablet activations for enterprise customers were for the iPad.

Good analyzed all of its mobile device activations and broke them up into four categories – iOS smartphones, iOS tablets, Android tablets, and Android smartphones.
In June, about 70% of such activations were phones and around 30% were tablets, symbolizing just how important tablets are becoming in every facet of daily life.
But of those 30%, there really was only one player. The iPad accounted for 27.2% of new tablet activations for enterprise customers. Android tablets, despite there being far more options like the Xoom, Galaxy Tab, etc, only took a measly 3.1%.
The data did not include Blackberry, which is really the bigger story in the enterprise market shift. It used to have an absolute monopoly on enterprise phones. It seemed almost inconceivable that any company would ever use anything other than Blackberries.
Over the last year, though, many major companies including JPMorgan Chase and Mercedez-Bens have dropped their Blackberry contracts in favor of the newer, sexier smartphone platforms.