In case you’ve been on the Moon for the last few months, watching out for crashing spacecraft, you’ll know that Windows 7 is about to bound onto store shelves around the world. Sadly, Microsoft is putting the excellent Family Guy show’s reputation on the line by roping them in to promote the OS.
The 30 minute Family Guy Presents: Seth & Alex’s Almost Live Comedy Show, will air on Fox on Sunday, November 8, at 8:30 p.m. (ET and PT). There won’t be commercial breaks and Windows 7 will be built into the story line.
Microsoft and Fox say they hope to bring the old Texaco Star Theater style of sponsorship into the 21st century. MacFarlane, creator and lead voice of Family Guy, and Borstein, the voice of Lois, worked with Microsoft’s ad agencies to produce the show.

“While the way people watch TV has evolved, their desire to be entertained, and marketers’ need to deliver compelling content, hasn’t changed,” the companies said in a statement. “Microsoft and Fox are joining forces to showcase how the power and simplicity of Windows 7 can enhance the content Fox viewers enjoy most, whether it’s comedy, drama, sports, or reality programming on TV or on the Web.”
Now, we like Windows 7 and we like Family Guy, but Microsoft’s reputation for producing toe-curlingly bad ads is legendary. I’ve seen home made used car lot ads with more wit and wisdom than the excruciating Windows 7 party ads and the frankly emetic Jerry Seinfeld ones. Why risk a decent product and a decent show on yet another crap ad?
The show will feature “unique Windows 7-branded programming that blends seamlessly with show content.” Doesn’t that make you want to run screaming?
Microsoft is also planning a 12-week Windows 7 college tour hosted by the Stewie and Brian characters of Family Guy.
As Stewie would say, “Hello, mother. I come bearing a gift. I’ll give you a hint. It’s in my diaper and it’s not a toaster.”