How a Custom CRM Can Benefit Your Business

A good professional Customer Relationship Management tool can facilitate all levels of interaction between your clients and your business. While different CRMs will offer different types of functionality, these tools often allow businesses to manage text messages, keep track of customer interactions across multiple channels, keep track of customer data, and make it easier for sales teams and customer support representatives to keep track of previous interactions between a customer and your business.

Businesses looking to get a CRM solution to help their daily operations have two options. They can either a) get a standard solution from a software provider or b) get a custom CRM tailor-made for the needs of their company. The latter is becoming an increasingly more popular option, as getting a custom solution provides a variety of advantages. Here’s how a custom CRM can benefit a business.

1 – Easier to use

Standard CRMs are designed for broad appeal, which creates certain problems. Chief among them is complexity. If a tool has to work in a wide range of situations, it needs to have a ton of functionality, which increases the complexity of using the tool and makes it harder to learn and use effectively. This often leads to bloated interfaces and hard-to-use features.

A custom CRM, on the other hand, can be built with the specific needs of your company in mind. This means that the team building the solution can include only solutions they know you’re likely to need or use. And if you are getting ongoing support from your software provider, you can ask for features to be added, removed, or changed as needed, to better suit the realities of your company and make it easier for your team to use the platform.

2 – Smoother implementation

Since custom CRMs are built with the realities of your company in mind, it’s much easier to slip them seamlessly into an ongoing operation. The CRM should be easily able to replace all the functionality you were getting from your old tools, and it should be able to integrate with your current data streams with minimal effort. Going for a custom solution also reduces the chances of data being lost during the transition.

3 – Scalability

As mentioned, custom CRMs are necessarily easy to customize, which allows your company to tweak and expand the capabilities of its CRM as it grows. That’s generally easier and more affordable than having to transition to a different tool a few years from now to accommodate for the company’s growth or to adapt to other changes in the market.

4 – Business tools

It’s becoming increasingly common for CRMs to offer additional functionality that goes beyond just connecting businesses to their clients. Custom CRM solutions made for real estate agents, for example, may integrate tools to help sales representatives consult the company’s catalog on the field, or even help customers themselves find homes with the help of chatbots and other automated tools. 

CRMs made for accounting firms may likewise contain dozens of solutions meant to facilitate financial projections and facilitate workflow allocation within the company, among other quality of life tools. And getting a custom CRM built for your company allows you to not only get tools that fit your niche but also tools that will be a good match for your company specifically, all in one comprehensive software solution.