Once again, Steve Jobs is coming under fire for deflecting the iPhone 4 antenna problems by attacking other companies’ phones.
Now, Samsung has something to say about the fact that instead of addressing the new iPhone’s specific problems, Jobs said that other phones, like Samsung’s Omnia 2, have the exact same issue.

In a statement released today to Korean news media, Samsung said, “The antenna is located at the bottom of the Omnia 2 phone, while iPhone’s antenna is on the lower left side of the device. Our design keeps the distance between a hand and an antenna.
“We have fully conducted field tests before the rollout of smartphones. Reception problems have not happened so far, and there is no room for such problems to happen in the future.”
Of course, a lot of people don’t even know what the Omnia 2 is, so any reported problems with the phone’s design would probably not even make top headlines. However, Samsung’s comments specifically address the issue that Steve Jobs failed to. Sure, he got up on stage and just like a presidential politician was able to deflect the issue and make everyone believe that Apple was not at fault.
However, as Samsung points out, yes, any phone can be held in such a way that the antenna is obscured and loses signal strength – the distinguishing point is that the iPhone 4’s antenna happens to be at a spot where a lot of people will naturally hold their phone. All the devices Jobs attacked in his speech had their antennas in much more obscure locations so as to prevent this risk.
Blackberry manufacturer Research In Motion has choice words for Jobs as well, since the very popular Blackberry Bold was slammed. HTC also issued a statement disputing claims that the Droid Eris has the same functional problems as the iPhone 4. Both companies issued their statements over the last few days