Qualcomm has shipped the first of its dual-CPU Snapdragon chipsets for next-gen smartphones.
According to company spokesperson Steve Mollenkopf, the Mobile Station Modem (MSM) MSM8260 and MSM8660 platforms integrate two “enhanced” cores running at up to 1.2GHz.

“Qualcomm’s first-generation Snapdragon chipsets set a new standard for advanced smartphones and smartbook devices and our second-generation [platforms] are already shipping in volume.
“Targeted at enabling high-end smartphones, the MSM8x60 solutions are third-generation chipsets from [our] expanded Snapdragon platform, which has been powering smartphones, tablets and smartbook devices in markets around the world.”
Mollenkopf also explained that both dual-core platforms feature an optimized GPU with 3D/2D acceleration engines for Open GLES 2.0 and Open VG 1.1.
In addition, the chipsets boast support for 1080p video encode/decode, dedicated low power audio engine, integrated low power GPS and 24-bit WXGA 1280 x 800 resolution displays.
He added that Qualcomm was working on another, dual-core, third-generation chipset known as QSD8672 which is slated to clock in at 1.5GHz.
It should be noted that a number of Snapdragon-powered devices are currently being showcased at Computex 2010, including:
- Acer’s Liquid and neoTouch smartphones
- Dell’s Streak 5″ Android tablet
- HP’s Compaq Airlife 100 smartbook
- HTC’s Droid Incredible and Nexus One smartphones
- Huawei’s S7 tablet
- Lenovo’s LePhone smartphone