Endgadget reports that an unknown number of Core i7-based iMacs have arrived DOA with cracked screens.
“Apple’s new Core i7-based iMac might be a performance monster, but it looks like the whole family’s having some problems getting out of the gate,” wrote Nilay Patel.

“In addition to the [previous] performance issues with the Core 2 Duo models, a quick glance across Apple’s support forums and on other Mac boards around the web reveals that some machines are showing up DOA and/or with cracked screens.”
According to Patel, a new i7 purchased by Endgadget “didn’t boot at all,” while the cracked screen issue appeared to be “equally common.”
It should be noted that reports of cracked displays and DOA units were also confirmed by AppleInsider’s Sam Oliver.
“For some, the iMac chimes when the power button is pressed, but the screen displays nothing. Various users on Apple’s support forums have expressed frustration that they returned their iMac and are now waiting an estimated two weeks for a replacement machine,” stated Oliver.

“There are also a handful of reports of cracks on the bottom left corner of the screen of the new iMac. Various customers said the box containing their new system arrived in excellent condition, only to remove the packaging and discover the hardware had been damaged. It has led some to speculate that there is a flaw in the current packaging that causes the screen to crack in the bottom left corner.”
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