You remember all those crazies who waited outside the Apple Store for hours to buy one on launch day? Well, apparently they’re actually still using their device and haven’t lost their luster for it.
In fact, they still like their iPad so much they even give it higher marks than people who buy the tablet today, according to a new survey from NPD Group.

80% of consumers who bought their iPad at launch – defined as being within the first two months of iPad availability – said they continue to be “very satisfied” with their purchase.
However, only 65% of iPad owners who bought the device since then claim they are very satisfied.
NPD VP Stephen Baker wrote, “Clearly early adopters love their iPads and are finding increasing opportunities to use them.” Early adopters is obviously a synonym for Apple fanatics.
Those guys are also using the iPad more frequently, spending an average of 18 hours per week, and most of them say their usage is increasing.
But on the opposite side of things, casual iPad owners – those who bought the thing because of all the hype – are substantially less obsessed.
More than half of all iPad owners said their biggest gripe was the notable lack of USB ports. The fact that it can’t multi-task or print documents ranked in as other top issues.
Nevertheless, a 65% rate of people being “very satisfied” with the purchase is a good statistic. It’s just not as amazing as an 80% level.