How Does A Good Mattress Alleviate Pressure Points Pain?

Pressure point is specific in areas in the body that can cause discomfort when lying down, especially on a bad mattress.

Having a pressure point issue could affect your posture, disrupt your sleeping pattern and cause you to sleep uncomfortably or endlessly slipping and turning looking for the perfect comfortable position. Then you wonder why you are always up in the morning tired.

Depending on the type of position you sleep in you may have one way or the other felt the discomforting pain in the body after a long sleep. I have a friend who is a chronic side sleeper; he feels pressure point on his shoulder. More often than not he complains of numb pain on his shoulder and that was how I know he is a side sleeper.

Pains in the lower backbone are normal for those that sleep in on their back. Having this issue may allow you wonder if you can ever sleep comfortably.

Actually, you can secure pressure points but it takes certain measures. People do not bother much about alleviating pressure point because they believe it is beyond their control. You can control how comfortable you want to sleep and I will be sharing how a good mattress alleviates pressure point.

The Key Points You Should Know About Mattress & Pressure Points

  • An old mattress can lose its steam due to long use and cause pressure points not to be adequately functional.
  • A very soft mattress can also cause pain in pressure points want of the proper firmness level. This is why when you go for a soft mattress it must be firm alongside to compliment it.
  • As a matter of fact, Experts recommend using comfortable and equally supportive mattress that ensures relaxation and optimal health benefit.
  • A very firm mattress can also cause pain in the pressure point because the body feels more comfortable when it sinks enough to align the parts with the mattress. A very firm mattress cannot provide such comfort.
  • A displaced bed frame can cause the mattress to not lie properly thus allowing it gets imbalanced when sleeping on it. This can cause the mattress to not respond to pressure points, therefore, causing pains in these points.
  • If the bounce rate of the mattress is zero or little then it will be prone to pain in the pressure points because it will not support the body parts well on one side when the other side sinks in.

The Effect of Pressure Points Pain

Now that we have outlined some of the reasons why a good mattress does not respond to pressure points we are going to as well describe the effect pressure points leads to in the body. Some of them include;

  • Lack of Enough Sleep: Where there is pain caused by mattress the main function of the mattress is not depicted. The idea of a good mattress is to get maximum comfort. When you do not get such you are bound to feel drowsy during the day.
  • Back Pain: Back Pain is the obvious issue when it comes to pressure points pain especially from a bad mattress. Any mattress that does not respond positively to pressure points cause aches in various points on the body, like for back sleepers the lower back of the body will be affected.
  • Aging: Some may not know but lack of enough sleep can cause you to age prematurely. Do you notice that flaky feel on the face when you did not a good night rest? When you get little or no sleep as a result of bad mattress you will tend to age prematurely.
  • Loss of Memory: Not getting enough sleep allows your memory to shut down due to the fact that you may be trying to catch sleep by focusing your mind on sleeping yet it is not coming. This may allow you forget things. Loss of memory is also another effect of pressure point pain caused by a bad mattress.
  • Soreness: When the mattress does not respond well to pressure point you will tend to get your bone joints sore. Joint soreness is caused when the mattress is too firm and stiff that it does not align well with the body.

How Does a Good Mattress Alleviate Pressure Points?

Now that we have laid out the causes and effect of pressure points pain caused by a bad mattress it is rather appropriate we talk about how we can get rid of it. The next points will reveal how a good mattress can alleviate pressure points. is one the famous corners to prefer such beddings

Pressure Pad

This is appropriate for a stiff mattress. Adding a soft overlay to a very firm and stiff mattress allows comfort when sleeping. It is not a question of particular part for a cushion sinking and not rising, the pressure topper pad is designed to align with all bed’s sides without lapses.

Pressure pads are one of the best alternatives for alleviating pressure points. Staying on one side of the mattress does not affect the other as you roll up to the other side. They support all edges; it is detachable and moveable for relieving pressure points.

Crosscutting Mattress

This is the type of mattress that is cross divided into segments or cells. Each cell are made to provide proper sleeping patterns for users, such that when its being laid upon it adapts to the users body immediately and also supports the pressure points in other to avoid pain.

It is mainly used at hospitals or mattresses that are hard and firm. It provides hospital patient healthy comforts when they are lying in sick in the hospitals. If you’re using a hospital bed then your mind will trigger to how firm and hard their bed is.

Airflow Pressure Mattress

This is another proper solution for a good mattress to alleviating pressure points. This mattress is designed to simultaneously elevate and depress airflow of different row. That is, when on one side of the mattress and the side depresses, the other side elevates thus giving comfort on both side as the user lays on it.

The airflow pressure alternates as the mattress increases and decreases in different cells. The decreased side supports the body and eases pressure points as you lay on it while the increased air side compliments the other part of the body.

This is also used for the hard and firm hospital bed. It is the ideal for alleviating pressure points in mattress.

Latex Foam Mattress

This is perhaps the best form of alleviating pressure point areas in mattress. The latex foam is perfect for night turners. If you are the type that likes to toss and turn when you are sleeping then this is the best fit for you. Turning on the latex foam makes it easy without any form of pain in the pressure points.

Turners can be annoying to sleep with because they tend to disturb your flow when asleep but with the latex you will get a sound sleep without discomfort from your tuning partner.

Wool Mattress

This is like the latex mattress that ensures comfort for both tuners and their sleeping partners. It is made out of cotton and does not turn hard over time like the how other mattress do. It is one superb method of alleviating pressure points.

The idea of the whole wool design is to allow expansion so that the body weight is in accordance with the mattress thus ensuring that the pressure points are secured and alleviated. The wool allows the body sink in properly without feeling any form of discomfort on any side because of its ability to remain soft and easy to the body even after its compresses.

Closing Thoughts

I understand how painful sleeping on a bad mattress can affect pressure points, it can be disrupting and mentally challenging especially if you are the type that needs to stay on you game mentally. You do not want a night rest feeling all drowsy or forgetful.

Alleviating pressure points is very important because you do not want to go the day without having enough rest at night. Take into cognisance the five alleviating pressure points ideas listed and secure your pressure points from aching.

However, if for some reason the pressure points are still aching and nothing seems to work in getting rid of it then I suggest you visit a physician. A physician is probably the best fit to know what is wrong exactly.