Allergies started to be something that many people struggle with, being more frequent and aggressive than ever. An allergy is an immune response that’s triggered by an allergen. The immune system begins to produce an increased number of antibodies (the Immunoglobulin-E). Allergic reactions can manifest on the skin or in mucous membranes, can manifest digestively and can have serious consequences like anaphylactic shocks in severe cases. Specialists warn people that are susceptible to developing allergies to thoroughly inform about what causes them, when it is the most appropriate moment to visit a doctor or how to treat the symptoms. If you are struggling with allergies since forever, then you might already know how difficult is to deal with all the unpleasant symptoms involved. Depending on the type of allergy you are developing, there are specific methods to treat it and to avoid recurrence. This article is meant to present the intricacies of each type of allergy you might be suffering from and some solutions to prevent and treat them, respectively. Here’s what you might want to know:
Pet allergies
Allergic reactions are usually favored by a multitude of molecules. These molecules that cause them are called allergens. Pets like dogs or cats have allergens in their saliva, on their skin, and on their fur. Regardless of the race of your pet, how often you clean them or the length of their fur, there is a chance to develop an allergy because of it. Skin particles are the ones that usually cause common allergies. They are sticking to the pet’s fur and when you touch the fur you are contacting the allergens. The length of the hair is not the one favoring allergic reactions and is not directly related to allergies. Many people believe that the cause of their allergies is the hair, but – in reality – the cause is the skin cells stuck on each hair left behind from your pet. Both in the case of cats and dogs, allergens are present. Some breeds might be considered less allergenic than others, but it all depends on your body reactions to the allergens.
In order to combat contracting an allergy from your pet, you have to forbid the animal to spend time in your bed or on your cough. Sleeping in the same spot your pet is sleeping is the main cause of developing an allergy. In case this is a habit of yours and you simply cannot resist leaving your pet sleep on the bed, then you should search for the best vacuum for pet hair and take some time to thoroughly clean the bedsheet before going to sleep. Washing your hands each time after you play with your pet is paramount. Keeping your pet clean is also important but won’t guarantee the fact that you won’t develop an allergy – you are just lowering the risks. Keeping carpets and rugs away can help you avoid allergens buildup.
In case you can no longer deal with the symptoms caused by pet allergies, you should opt for medical treatment or keeping the pet outside in a specially arranged space. If you know you have pet allergies and you want to buy a pet in the future, consider opting for furless animals. Tortoises and fish can be just as fun as other pets.

Respiratory allergies
This type of allergy is the most common one. The category includes affections such as rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, allergic asthma. The symptoms include sneezing, nasal pruritus, rhinorrhea, palatal pruritus, eye pruritus, fatigue, headaches, lack of appetite, coughing, wheezing, and even chocking in extreme cases. Respiratory allergies mostly occur depending on the season. Seasonal allergies are caused by numerous allergens present in the environment. If you are prone to allergies, the immune system will consider pollen a potential hazard to the body and the IgE will dramatically increase, causing your body to react. Being prone to allergies can be genetic.
In case one of your parents has an allergy, there are higher chances of you having it as well. A seasonal allergy is usually mistaken for colds because the symptoms are similar. Undergoing specific skin tests and following effective treatments should solve the issue and prevent recurrence. The first measure you can take for treating allergic rhinitis or other affections that are related to the respiratory allergies and are caused by allergens include using corticosteroids, for relieving the symptoms and reducing inflammation. Short-action bronchodilators are also a good option in case asthma is triggered. Specific immunotherapy is required when the allergies are recurrent.

Food allergies
This is a type of allergy that is manifested very rapidly after the ingestion of an allergen usually present in food. These allergies are manifested by pruritic rashes all over the body, facial edemas, lingual or glottic edemas (which can eventually cause swelling resulting in suffocation or even death through respiratory failure if left untreated), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, body reactions like low blood pressure and so on. The most dangerous consequence of allergies is the anaphylactic shock. The most common food allergens include milk proteins, egg whites, peanuts of different kinds, soybeans, fish, wheat etc. In theory, anything that contains protein can be allergenic. Food allergies are developing in the childhood, so you can easily spot them, thus knowing what foods to avoid in the future.
Final thoughts
If you won’t pay attention to your diet and your lifestyle in general, there are risks emphasizing the symptoms of your allergies or to raise the chances of developing one. Doctors usually recommend consuming more fruit, vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids responsible for reducing inflammation in the organism and lessening the symptoms of allergies. Reducing stress is also one way to prevent the installation of allergies. Stress is responsible for reducing the capabilities of the immune system, thus preparing the ground for an allergy break out. A weak immune system is the cause of an early installation of allergies, so make sure that you get your daily dose of vitamins.