TorrentFreak has just released its report on the most pirated games of 2011.
The site analyzed data from BitTorrent over the last 12 months across Wii, Xbox 360, and PC. The PS3 had a very small amount of pirated game downloads.

“PC games are by far the most downloaded titles, with on average more than three times the number of downloads compared to Xbox 360 and Wii releases,” TorrentFreak wrote.
However, it also noted that on the whole, pirated game downloads were down compared to last year. Nevertheless, there were tens of millions of torrent downloads.
The one that took the top honors was the PC title Crysis 2, which gained a lot of attention when an advance copy of the game was made available a month before the official release date.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was the second most pirated game of 2011, which is impressive since it came out in November, so it accrued those downloads in a very short span of time.
Here’s the complete list of top pirated games:
1) Crysis 2 – 3.92 million
2) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – 3.65 million
3) Battlefield 3 – 3.51 million
4) FIFA 12 – 3.39 million
5) Portal 2 – 3.24 million
1) Super Mario Galaxy 2 – 1.28 million
2) Mario Sports Mix – 1.09 million
3) Xenoblade Chronicles – 950,000
4) Lego Pirates of the Caribbean – 870,000
5) FIFA 12 – 860,000
XBOX 360:
1) Gears of War 3 – 890,000
2) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – 830,000
3) Battlefield 3 – 760,000
4) Forza Motorsport 4 – 720,000
5) Kinect Sports: Season 2 – 690,000