Paul McCartney on The Beatles’ Breakup and His Love for Kanye

Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Mastertapes, Sir Paul McCartney was surprisingly candid talking about his struggles after the Beatles broke up.

Talking to John Wilson he confessed

“I was depressed. You would be. You were breaking from your lifelong friends. So I took to the bevvies.”

  • Paul McCartney has spoken for the first time about the depression he went through after The Beatles broke up. He said on Tuesday that he started drinking heavily and came close to quitting music altogether after the group disbanded.

“The business thing split us apart,”

  • The band officially split in 1970, post the release of ‘Let It Be’. It was triggered after Allen Klein was appointed manager of the band against McCartney’s wishes and in order to divest himself of Klein’s influence, he had to sue his fellow bandmates.

Sir Paul also discussed his relationship with John Lennon and how it had improved in the months before the star’s tragic death in 1980.

“I would make calls to John occasionally,” he said. “We just talked kids and baking bread.”

  • The break impacted him as it was a group of life-long friends splitting. But they had a reconciliation before John Lennon’s death.

Paul McCartney also talked about his recent collaborations with Kanye West:

“We never appeared to write a song. A lot of what we did was just telling each other stories.”

“People says he’s eccentric… which you’d have to agree with. He’s a monster. He’s a crazy guy that comes up with great stuff.”