A strung out Internet addict has been beaten to death at a boot camp for troubled youths in China.
According to the AFP, the teen was lured by to the camp by his mother who promised he would be studying IT.
Unfortunately, 16-year-old Chen Shi died just two days after his arrival at the Beiteng School in Changsha, capital of central China’s Hunan province.

Shi – who apparently refused a direct order – sustained critical injuries after being beaten by instructors with a plastic pipe, handcuffs and a wooden baton.
His mother, Tang Yulin, told the Beijing Times that she had enrolled Chen in an effort to toughen him up because he was “afraid of hardship, had weak willpower and not enough self-confidence.”
Yulin reportedly paid some 22,800 yuan ($3,400) for six months of boot camp and was told she would not be able to contact her son directly for the duration of his training.
She received a call just two days later from the military style academy, informing her that Chen was in critical condition after “possibly” suffering sunstroke.
At least three people have already been detained on suspicion of killing the teen.