A recent survey conducted by ChangeWave indicates that Google’s popular mobile Android OS is experiencing yet another surge in momentum.
“Back in June, the launch of the iPhone 4 temporarily slowed the meteoric rise of the Google Android operating system. But…Android is once again making major advances in the smartphone market,” confirmed ChangeWave VP Paul Carton.
“Amongst consumers planning to buy a smartphone in the next 90 days, 37% say they prefer to have the Android OS on their new phone – a 7-pt jump since our previous survey and a new all-time high for the Google OS.”

Carton explained that ChangeWave had observed “huge leaps forward,” for Android in four out of the last five CW surveys.
“[Yes], Apple’s iOS (38%; -12 pts) remains the number one OS preference for future buyers. [However], it dropped as expected in the aftermath of the huge spike we saw during June’s iPhone 4 release.

“[And] Research in Motion’s results are [certainly] less encouraging, with preference for the RIM OS (6%) up just [a single] point since June. [Of course], the current 1-pt uptick is likely attributable to the recent launch of the new Torch smartphone.”

He added that ChangeWave had also analyzed OS satisfaction rates, with Apple leading the pack at 74%, Android weighing in at 65%, Palm OS/Web OS coming in at 32%, RIM at a mere 31% and Windows Mobile trailing at a paltry 24%.