Microsoft has claimed that its Xbox 360 console is “technically” ready for 3D-enabled content.
However, MS spokesperson Albert Penello told CVG that the company was adopting a wait-and-see attitude before embracing the relatively nascent medium.

“Right now, there’s nothing technically that we can’t do on the 3D side – we already have games out there today…and the console fully supports 3D,” said Penello.
“[Still], for us right now, we’re more on the 3D input take, you know, revolutionizing things with Kinect. I think that when we decide we want to jump into 3D it’ll be because the consumer’s voted. But from a technical side, there’s nothing about it we can’t do. In fact, we’re already doing it today.”
Meanwhile, EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich told TG Daily that he did not expect 3D gaming to be a “significant driver” of revenue and health for the industry over the short-term.
“[But] as consumers naturally replace their televisions and adopt 3D television, 3D gaming will play an ever increasing role in driving revenue for the sector.
“Currently, EEDAR does not [project] 3D supported video games to be a significant driver of industry revenue until 2013.”