There’s nothing more painful than people rapping who have no business rapping, or rap music being used in an inappropriate place. So does rap have any place with Game of Thrones?
Well, if this winds up a horrible mistake, the train’s already left the station because according to the Wall Street Journal, rappers are recording songs inspired by the show. As the Journal tells us, rappers have a huge influence in the marketplace, so they’re hoping this will give Thrones a more urban audience.

This will be part of a “mixtape” called Catch the Throne, where ten rappers have recorded songs that will also include samples and music from the show. Among the rappers that will contribute music to Catch the Throne include Common, Big Boi, Daddy Yankee, Bodega Bamz, and more.
As an executive at HBO said, “Our multicultural audiences are a very important part of our subscribers, and we don’t take them for granted,” while Magazeen, a rapper who is a big fan of the show, exclaimed, “It’s a lot of sword-swinging, a lot of fighting, man – It’s just raw!’ And as Common told the Journal, “Nowadays, people are open to anything. There are no limitations in hip-hop culture.”