While we’re not eager about the upcoming movie Divergent, which we like to call “Hunger Games Lite” here at TGD, there is a big fan base for the books, and according to reports, there’s a huge groundswell of people looking forward to seeing it at the movies.
The Hollywood Reporter tells us that box office tracking for the film is very close to the numbers for Twilight, which means it’s on par to be a monster hit. According to the box office pundits, it could make $69.6 million at the box office, or more, when it opens two weeks from now.

While the box office prophets don’t feel it could come anywhere near the first Hunger Games movie, which made a ginormous $152.5 million opening weekend, a take near $70 million would be very respectable indeed. The Reporter tells us that Divergent is even tracking well “in terms of total awareness,” and “definite interest as a first choice.”
Divergent is definitely trying to position itself as the next Hunger Games style young adult franchise, in fact, a cover story on star Shailene Woodley asking if she’ll be “the next Jennifer Lawrence.” After all, these movies need a focal point to sell them, whether its Lawrence, Kirsten Stewart, or whoever.
Look for Divergent on March 21.