Guys, we know, we know…We know the Browncoats would love Firefly to come back, and hope was renewed when Veronica Mars was resurrected by crowd funding. And we know there’s plenty of fans who would love to plunk some money down in exchange for some swag, along with the bragging rights that they helped bring Firefly back.
The problem is Joss Whedon’s a little busy right now with Avengers Age of Ultron, which is filming in South Africa right now. He’s never played down any interest in a Firefly resurrection, he certainly looks back on his time with the series very fondly, but he may not be able to get back to it any time soon.

So once again, rumors and speculation have popped up on the net, much like they often do for Ghostbusters 3 and other projects we often read about, yet may never see. The latest to make a modest proposal on all this is Tim Minear, who was the executive producer on Firefly.
Minear feels a limited series could do the trick, and recommended that 20th Century Fox team up with Netflix. We’re sure every kind of proposal imaginable has been made about bringing Firefly back, which doesn’t mean we’ll see it anytime soon, if ever.
So while it would indeed be nice if Firefly ever finally comes back, please make sure to watch it the next time it returns, okay? Not only did Joss have the indignity of the show being a flop, but when he brought it to the big screen as Serenity, nobody came either.