We at TGD were surprised to read about Kevin Smith’s plans for a new movie, because we were under the impression he was going to retire from the biz. Then again, how many times have The Who, The Rolling Stones and Ozzy done final tours, right?
So now Smith is returning to a subject that should bring him some controversy again, religion, just like he got in trouble years ago for his comedy Dogma. Smith made the announcement via Facebook that his next movie will be Helena Handbag, an obvious play on the phrase Hell In a Handbag.

As the New Jersey Star Ledger tells us, the movie will be, in Smith’s words, about “manking teaming up with Hell to save existence from extinction at the hands of a Rapturing giant Jesus.” Dogma definitely raised some hackles, and Smith acknowledges with his new project, “NOBODY’s gonna wanna make this movie. At all. And I know this going in, so I won’t be heartbroken if it never goes beyond the script.”
Yet as the Ledger points out, Smith got another crazy idea off the ground, a horror film called Tusk, where somebody is sewn into a walrus costume. Funny enough, it’s actually based on a sort of true story, a hoax in the news where somebody was alleged to be allowed to stay in somebody’s home for free as long as he wore a walrus suit an hour a day.
Tusk will premiere this month at Sundance, then Smith will be shooting Clerks III this May.