It seemed like it was yesterday The Walking Dead returned for a triumphant third season. Now they’re back for number four, and the first reviews are in. The verdict so far?
According to the Hollywood Reporter, this may end up being the best season yet. The Reporter noted that Dead has had three showrunners so far, and the latest showrunner, Scott Gimple, planned to “let the show breathe and spend more time on various characters. As far as the Reporter’s concerned, this turned out to be “a wise decision that, in the first two episodes, already pays off and has the promise of a better, stronger season to come.”

This is a remarkable claim, because season three was a critical and ratings powerhouse. If The Walking Dead is indeed getting better each season, it’s amazing to see a show only getting stronger with age.
The Wall Street Journal also pointed out that this season will have deeper character development, with the headline, “New Season of The Walking Dead Reveals Characters’ Softer Side.” Executive Producer Robert Kirkman told the Journal, “There’s a lot more emotion being drilled into these stories now. Some of this stuff may have gotten glossed over in previous seasons. This is a more intensely character-focused season. That said, it isn’t necessarily going to be a quieter season.”