The Rock Band franchise is still alive and kicking.
The world of instrument-playing music games is starting to look like a fad of the past, but Rock Band creator Harmonix isn’t quite done just yet.

The company has just teased the latest entry in the successful multi-instrument franchise that, for years, has defined music gaming.
This one won’t be an expansive title with dozens upon dozens of new songs, hundreds of customization options for your musical avatars and virtual bands, and a sophisticated single-player journey, though.
No, Rock Band Blitz will be a much simpler affair, with casual gaming at the center of its focus. It will be a downloadable game that users can grab from the Xbox Live Marketplace or the Playstation Store on PS3.
Harmonix calls the impending game “a new way to experience your favorite Rock Band songs, with fast-paced, multi-track arcade gameplay that encourages you to compete against your friends for the highest scores.”
The new title comes with 20 music tracks that have never graced a Rock Band title before, including songs from Blink 182, Foster the People, Quiet Riot, and Rick Springfield (that’s right; Jessie’s Girl is finally coming to Rock Band).
Like other titles in the franchise, the tracks are cross-compatible with other Rock Band games, meaning you can play songs that you downloaded for Rock Band 2 in Rock Band Blitz, and you can play the Rock Band Blitz songs in Rock Band 3.
Rock Band Blitz has an ‘arcade gaming’ experience in mind, where players boot up the game and start playing within seconds, and it also encourages online play. No more cumbersome menus and lengthy band customization. More importantly, though, it’s Harmonix’s way of saying Rock Band isn’t dead.