Sony has confirmed the imminent launch of the first 3D games for its Playstation 3 (PS3) console.
The downloadable titles – which are slated to be released tomorrow – include Wipeout HD, Super Stardust HD, PAIN (content), and MotorStorm: Pacific Rift (demo).

“As you already know, all PlayStation 3 systems are already equipped with everything they need to play stereoscopic 3D games,” Sony spokesperson John Koller explained in an official blog post.
“Thanks to a free firmware update released this past April, the PS3 system is the only console on the market that can support full stereoscopic 3D gaming.”
Sony apparently timed the announcement to coincide with its pre-order kickoff of 3D capable Bravia HDTVs – which will ship to retailers later this month.
You may, of course, want to consider buying one of the next-gen sets, because the above-mentioned titles can’t be played without a 3D-enabled TV.
Meanwhile, Nvidia spokesperson Bryan Del Rizzo told TG Daily that 3D entertainment was now a “sizzling hot” topic.
“Consumers are embracing 3D…There is a huge amount of pent-up demand for games, films (like Avatar) and other content. I think it’s great that people now have another platform to experience stereoscopic 3D in.
“[Now], we at Nvidia want people to get excited about 3D because it is better, not different. And they are – because we are driving PC gaming and entertainment to a whole new level, right now, in 2010.”