What the Future of Crypto Trading Holds for the Investors

The blockchain industry has been immensely profitable for the large-scale trading companies. In fact, the companies that have the ability to relocate to energy-efficient regions have made millions out of the blockchain trading market. But the sad news for the average or the small-scale miners is that the future of crypto trading does not look promising for them. Both home mining along with all its derivatives have proven to be profitable for big companies because they have the resources to save on a number of expenses. That is not the case with the smaller miners. The bigger companies have taken over numerous retail miners because they have the money to do so.

However, not every option has become inaccessible for the small-scale investors. There have been a lot of decentralized options that have started in recent years that have favorable offers for the small-scale and the average miners. They have made trading a lot cheaper, less risky, more profitable, and most importantly accessible to thousands of miners. These miners can now use Crypto Code to mine from the decentralized options and boost their profits.

Calculating trading costs

One of the reasons why investors are hesitant to invest in the trading options is that they are not aware of the exact costs involved. There are 3 steps to calculate the prices:

1) Rig

This is one of the easiest ways to calculate the price of a DIY trading rig. You can start looking into the options that you have in your PC and GPUs and then decide which one you will be able to afford. The ASICs are comparatively more expensive because they are self-contained units. If you want the cheaper alternatives, you can opt for the Ethernet port or the USB port. Since these are produced in the USA, it will be costlier for the people who live outside the country. The average cost of ASICs and FPGAs are somewhere around $490 to $3000.

2) Energy

A big reason for ASIC to fetch so much value is that they have the ability to calculate more by consuming less power. DIY, on the other hand, are more expensive than ASIC. The ASIC is a combination of highly specialized devices that give them the power to use hundreds of megawatts. Since the miners tend to use a lot of energy cost for cooling, the ASIC is fast becoming the preferred choice for most of the miners.

3) Hidden costs

There are numerous hidden costs that are included in the trading calculations such as the cost of adapters and cables. In addition to these, there will be trading pool membership and transaction fees that will also have to be added. The transaction fees alone cost between 1% and 3% per transaction.

As the calculations suggest, crypto trading is reaching a stage where it will only remain profitable for the large-scale miners. The smaller and the average miners will either be consumed by the bigger miners or they will be written away from the map completely.