What Is Co-Selling In AWS?

AWS has been expanding its services to include Co-Selling, which has shown to be beneficial to both customers and partners. Using these options, customers and developers receive multiple benefits, such as increased sales, improved customer engagement, and more. This article will discuss how adding co-selling to your business model will help your company tackle AWS Marketplace like a pro.

What is Co-Selling?

Co-selling involves two or more companies working together to sell each other’s products or services. In the software industry, it’s not uncommon for companies to form partnerships to reach a wider audience or complement each other’s offerings. For software developers looking to sell on the cloud marketplace, a co-selling collaboration with a cloud provider like Amazon Web Services (AWS) can be highly beneficial.

Who Is Involved With Co-Selling?

In a co-selling relationship, the cloud provider and the individual software vendor sell the software. The cloud provider typically has a more significant sales force and existing customer relationships, while the software vendor brings their expertise in the product to the table.

A cloud provider is a company that offers cloud computing services. Cloud computing is a model for delivering information technology services in which resources are provided as a service over the Internet. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud provider that offers a suite of cloud computing services that enable businesses to run their operations in the cloud.

The other party in co-selling is the independent software vendor (ISV). An ISV is a company that specializes in developing and selling software. In the context of co-selling, the ISV is selling its software on the AWS Marketplace. ISVs can be of any size, from large enterprise companies to small startups.

Benefits of Co-Selling in AWS

As a leading cloud provider, AWS has a vast customer base that developers can tap into. And because AWS is constantly expanding its services and features, there are always new opportunities for co-selling so that you can tackle AWS Marketplace like a pro.

For example, AWS recently launched a new service called Amazon EventBridge that allows developers to create event-driven applications. If you have a product or service that could be used in conjunction with EventBridge, then a co-selling partnership with AWS could be a great way to reach new customers.

Co-selling with AWS also gives you access to resources that can help promote and sell your product, including the AWS Partner Network (APN) and the AWS Marketplace.

The APN is a global partner program that helps companies build, market, and sell their products and services on AWS. The program provides access to several resources, including training, marketing collateral, and technical support.

The AWS Marketplace is an online store that makes it easy for customers to find, buy, and deploy software solutions that run on AWS. As a seller on the AWS Marketplace, you can list your products alongside other leading software providers, making it easy for customers to find and compare your offerings.

How Co-Selling Benefits Startups

For startup companies, co-selling can be a great way to get your product in front of a larger audience and generate sales quickly. And because you’re partnering with a leading cloud provider, you can also benefit from their marketing resources and support.

Additionally, AWS provides several programs specifically for startups, including the AWS Activate program. AWS Activate is a free program that gives startups access to the resources they need to start on AWS.

How Does Co-Selling Work?

Co-selling is successful because it’s a win-win for both the cloud provider and the software vendor. The cloud provider offers their customers a new product or service that complements their existing offerings, and the software vendor gets access to a larger sales force and customer base.

To start co-selling on AWS, you first must sign up for the AWS Partner Network (APN). Once you’re a member of the APN, you can apply to participate in the AWS Marketplace. Once you’ve been accepted into the AWS Marketplace, you can list your products and start selling. Customers interested in your product can buy it directly from the AWS Marketplace.

When a customer purchases your product, AWS will collect the payment and remit the funds. There is no upfront cost to list your products on the AWS Marketplace, and you only pay a commission on generated sales.

Co-selling with AWS is a great way to reach new customers and generate sales quickly. And because you’re partnering with a leading cloud provider, you can also benefit from their marketing resources and support.

Integrating Co-Selling with Existing Sales Channels

You can still participate in co-selling if you already have an existing sales channel. For example, if you sell your products through a website or online store, you can continue to do so and list your products on the AWS Marketplace.

Customers who purchase your products on the AWS Marketplace will be charged on their AWS bill. But you can still fulfill the order and ship the product to the customer through your existing sales channel.

If you have an existing partner program, you can integrate co-selling into your existing relationships. For example, if you have a reseller agreement with another company, you can work with them to promote your products on the AWS Marketplace.

Final Thoughts

Co-selling with AWS is a great way to reach new customers and generate sales quickly. And because you’re partnering with a leading cloud provider, you can also benefit from their marketing resources and support. If you already have an existing sales channel, you can still participate in co-selling and tackle AWS Marketplace like a pro.

Written by Lara Harper
