The U.S. and Saudi Arabia are smuggling thousands of satellite phones into Syria.
According to DebkaFile, the phones are expected to help Syrian opposition leaders bypass downed telephone and Internet links.

The handsets will also allow protestors to broadcast live video of brutal attacks by Syrian security and military forces against civilians.
Interestingly enough, U.S. and Saudi intelligence agencies are picking up the tab for the satellite phones.
The move is an obvious effort to counter Iranian operatives (allied with the Assad regime) who are on the ground and actively disrupting Syria’s communications grid.
“Certain people and groups in Saudi Arabia are providing the Syrian opposition financial and media assistance,” Tehran Hamed Hassan, the Syrian ambassador to Tehran, recently acknowledged.
“[They are also] issuing fatwas which fan the flames of sedition in the country.”
It should be noted that the United States has stepped up its criticism of the Assad regime over the past week, stating: “The behavior of security forces, including such other barbaric shootings, wide scale arrests of young men and boys, brutal torture and other abuses of basic human rights, is reprehensible.”