The TSA has rebuffed allegations it is falling behind on implementing new standards for bomb detection adopted in 2010.
Indeed, according to a report circulated by House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman John Mica, the beleaguered TSA didn’t start using equipment that met 2005 rules until 2009.

“Not only has TSA failed to complete implementation of the 2005 standards, now the 2010 standards will be delayed, leaving the whole process in disarray,” Mica stated.
Unsurprisingly, TSA spokesman Nicholas Kimball claimed the agency was quite “confident” in the effectiveness of its current bomb-detection procedures.
“The standard currently in use by the majority of Explosive Detection System (EDS) units in U.S. airports provides the most stringent level of checked baggage security in the world,” Kimball insisted in an official statement to The Hill.
“All new EDS units purchased by TSA and technologies currently undergoing lab testing allow TSA to upgrade the software to meet revised standards without replacing the physical equipment. New EDS units purchased by TSA and technologies undergoing lab testing meet the 2010 standard.”
It should be noted that the House recently slashed approximately $273 million from the TSA budget, while capping the number of airport screeners at 46,000.