A new type of malware is humiliating porn-lovers in Japan by publishing their web history online and then blackmailing them.

The trojan is infecting a popular file-sharing service called Winni and targets people downloading illegal copies of ‘over-18’ Hentai games.
Masquerading as an installer screen for the game, the trojan requests various bits of personal information – and also starts scanning the victim’s user account and web history, grabbing a few screen shots while it’s at it.
“All of this information is then subsequently published on a publicly available website and it’s not long before the victim receives a “helpful” email,” says senior security advisor Rik Ferguson of Trend Micro Japan.
“The email comes from a company calling themselves ‘Romancing Inc’, – who coincidentally also own the domain where the stolen information has been published – and they alert the unfortunate mark to the predicament offering to resolve the ‘copyright infringement’ and get the information removed… for a fee.”
Apparently, thousands of people have admitted to being infected with the Kenzero trojan.