A serial DDoSer has been sentenced to 30 months in prison for attacking various conservative websites, including those run by Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter and Rudy Giuliani.
The former University of Akron student – named as Mitchell L. Frost – was also convicted of infecting several systems with botnet zombies.
According to Security Week, Frost was ordered to pay O’Reilly.com a grand total of $40,000 in restitution, while the University of Akron will receive $10,000 in compensation.

It should be noted that Frost pleaded guilty to causing damage to a protected computer system and possessing at least 15 “unauthorized” access devices.
Indeed, while enrolled as a student, Frost exploited the University’s computer network to infect several systems (both in the US and abroad) with undead botnets.
The former student also admitted to accessing computers and various networks by sniffing for vulnerabilities and fraudulently obtaining user names as well as passwords.
Frost then used the compromised systems to deploy malware and harvest additional information, which included credit card numbers along with CVV security codes.