The FBI has arrested a hacker belonging to the infamous Goatse Security Group after seizing an unknown quantity of cocaine, ecstasy, LSD and schedule 2/3 pharmaceuticals.
According to CNET, the drugs were found in the Arkansas residence of Andrew Auernheimer during the execution of an FBI search warrant.

Auernheimer – who went by the noms de plum of “Escher” and “Weev” – now faces four felony charges for possession of a controlled substance and a single misdemeanor possession charge.
It should be noted that Auernheimer had been previously arrested in March for allegedly providing a fake name to police officers responding to a parking complaint in Fayetteville.
As TG Daily previously reported, Goatse recently managed to obtain the e-mails of approximately 114,000 iPad owners by exploiting a critical security vulnerability on AT&T’s website.
“The hackers deliberately went to great efforts with a random program to extract the information,” Dorothy Attwood, AT&T’s chief privacy officer, explained in an e-mail to affected users.
“They then put together a list of these e-mails and distributed it for their own publicity. We apologize for the incident and any inconvenience it may have caused.”
However, Goatse continues to defend its action by claiming that all data had been gleaned from a public webserver with no password – which was accessible by anyone on the Internet.
“There was no breach, intrusion, or penetration, by any means of the word,” the company insisted on its blog.
“The dataset was not disclosed until we verified the problem was fixed by the vendor. The only person to receive the dataset was Gawker journalist Ryan Tate who responsibly redacted it. Your iPads are safer now because of us.”