Android is blazing through to the next generation of mobile technology, as Sprint and HTC today announced the first 4G handset that will be built on Google’s mobile operating system.
The HTC Evo 4G has the latest version of Android, 2.1, with built-in apps like “Google Goggles,” which allows users to take a picture of a book, wine label, landmark, or virtually anything, and receive instant information from the Web about the item.

The Evo has a 1 GHz Snapdragon processor, an 8-megapixel camera with HD video capability, and a built-in Wi-Fi hotspot. Users can use it to connect to the Internet on a nearby laptop or any other Web device.
On top of all that, all the regular functionality of Android like voice-to-text searching and thousands of Market apps, will be available at speeds of up to 10 times what the other 3G Android phones can do.
Sprint’s 4G network, which was the first of its kind to be rolled out in the country, is currently available in 27 markets in the US.
The Evo is planned for a launch in the summer. No further details have been announced.