Mercedes-Benz is ready to bring in-car information and entertainment systems to the next dimension.
After other products like Nintendo’s 3DS and Sprint’s HTC Evo 3D managed to capture the attention of an increasingly 3D-loving market, the same kind of glasses-free technology may make its first debut in vehicles courtesy of the luxury automaker.

It’s easy to picture why a 3D display would be more advantageous for in-car purposes. For example, GPS maps could show real depth to demonstrate how far away upcoming turns or destinations are.
Additionally, more important information could be highlighted in the foreground while other, less pertinent content can be relegated to the background.
That’s only the beginning for Mercedes-Benz, though. The company has all sorts of things in the works for updating its already top-of-the-line in-car displays and systems.
For example, it’s working on more intuitive voice commands, allowing users to ask context-driven questions like “What’s the weather in New York City?” Checking e-mail, text messages, and sending outgoing messages will also be possible, though this kind of tech is already available in other car models.
And finally, gesture controls are also being implemented, allowing users to quickly jump to specific menus or features on the touch-screen display by swiping their fingers in a specific motion.
Right now all of these are concepts that are well into development, but Mercedes-Benz has not specified when you can expect to start seeing them in actual car models.