This app analyzes images to calculate calories

Have you ever wondered how many calories were in a particular dish but lacked exact data?

Well, you may want to check out a new iPhone application dubbed MealSnap.

Developed by DailyBum, the application calculates calories simply by analyzing pictures of a particular food or meal.

Indeed, the app contains a sizeable database of almost 500,000 items that are used to identify your specific dish and estimate the number of calories.

“The database can quickly help identity the food, how many calories there are, proteins, fat, carbs, vitamins, whatever you may want to know,”  DailyBurn CEO Andy Smith told Reuters.

“Users can then choose to share what they’ve eaten on Twitter or FourSquare, leading to social accountability.”

According to Smith, the “pure act” of tracking something can cause a psychological change capable of helping people on their so-called journey to health and fitness journey.

“Just the simple fact of logging it makes me more aware of what I’m eating,” he claimed.

MealSnap is available on iTunes for just $3 and can be downloaded here.