T-Mobile finally grows a pair, gloats "largest 4G network"

T-Mobile is a huge, worldwide telecom company that probably doesn’t spend as much time focusing on the US market as it should. But that has all changed now as the company has launched a brand new marketing campaign to create awareness of its new 4G network.

If you’ve seen a TV spot anywhere right now for 4G, it’s been for Sprint. For months, the company has been able to tout that it’s the only one with a fully deployed next-gen high-speed mobile data network.

But T-Mobile is close behind, and stands to gain the most from a move to higher speeds.

T-Mobile is in fourth place among the top four major carriers in the US, when it comes to subscriber numbers. It only briefly had a really killer phone, the G1, when Android first launched. Since then, though, every other mobile provider has stolen its thunder. The AT&T has the iPhone, Verizon has the Droid, and Sprint has the only 4G phone – until now.

The carrier’s 4G network, using a technology called HSPA+, boasts download speeds of up to 10 times faster than what’s possible now over its current 3G network.

The network is currently rolled out to hundreds of cities across America, unlike Sprint’s network which just spans a couple dozen or so.

Of course, your network is only as good as your phone, and so far we don’t know too much aout T-Mobile’s first 4G phone, the MyTouch (not to be confused with the phone of the same name that T-Mobile introduced two years ago). But we should know more soon.

For now, expect to start seeing T-Mobile actually kick it out with some new 4G ads.