You might remember the Shadow Ebike from last spring, when we introduced the electric bicycle and reported that manufacturer Daymak was planning to do a production run of 300 bikes in June 2010. We also told you the bike would go for $1,499.
As they say, that was then and this is now. Daymak this month announced that “production on the Shadow Electric bicycle has begun” and deliveries will start on April 30.
Along with the production schedule, the bike’s price point underwent a bit of an adjustment, too: It now starts at $1,999 (Canadian, we assume, with the company being out of Toronto.)
Otherwise, this looks to be the same very cool-looking machine we reported on previously, with its wireless everything – brakes, throttle, pedal-assist system.
“It is a leading edge power-assisted bicycle with an integrated wireless design,” says Daymak, “meaning no wires in the open, which helps avoid the most common failures found in electric bicycles.”

On the company website it talks about a 250 or 350 watt motor, but it looks like the smaller version might come later; the announcement says “the first Shadow Ebike will feature a 350W motor with a 36V 10ah lithium polymer battery.”
Range is given at 22-25 miles in pedal-assist mode and 12-15 miles under motor power. Although it can go faster, top speed is limited to around 20 mph.