Here in our Green Building department, we think the only thing cooler than a house that floats may be a house that floats that produces all of its own power.
Which makes Autarkhome, a floating home docked in Maastricht, Netherlands, very cool indeed. Oh, and did we mention that it was built to Passive House standards?

Jetson Green reports that this house, designed by Pieter Kromwijk, is 10 times more energy efficient than the average dwelling of similar size. That lean, green profile has been achieved through the meticulous attention to detail all but mandated by Passive House standards, which requires a near-airtight building envelope and ultra-efficient insulation (in this case EPS insulation).
Those passive features help to set the stage for a home that requires very little in the way of mechanical intervention to heat and cool. However, when the HVAC system is engaged, a heat recovery system helps to make sure that it operates in the most efficient way possible.
The floating home’s flat roof is covered in solar photovoltaic panels, which cover 100 percent of its electricity needs. Interestingly enough, the home pulls water in directly from the natural body on which it floats, rendering that water suitable for household use through a built-in treatment system. A solar thermal system heats that water as needed for domestic requirements.
The floating home features Mosa tiles, Desso carpet, and IKEA interior products.
If Autarkhome sounds appealing as a way of life, you’re not alone. In fact, the response to the prototype was so positive that the plan is now to mass-produce the home, in accordance with demand. Be prepared to wait, though, as each home takes the builder expects around four months to finish.