Sprint today crashed any hopes of a CDMA version of the Nexus One in the US. Following the same decision as Verizon, Sprint will not be offering service to its own version of Google’s in-house-developed phone.
The Nexus One is supposed to be the ultimate phone that uses Google’s Android platform to its fullest extent. That’s because it’s the only phone that Google developed itself.

However, it has been one of the lowest-selling Android devices, due largely to the fact that it isn’t available through any external retailer. Customers must purchase the phone from Google.com. The phone is only available with a subsidy from T-Mobile. However, because AT&T runs on the same sort of mobile infrastructure as T-Mobile, consumers can purchase an unlocked version of the Nexus One and sign it up for AT&T service. Sprint’s announcement today is in contradiction to a statement it made in March, where it was more optimistic about working with Google to offer the Nexus One. Sprint of course now has its hands full with the upcoming Evo phone from HTC, which will be the first in the country to run on the new 4G high-speed mobile spectrum. Google did get some momentum in other parts of the world. Euro operator Vodafone is beginning to take orders for European customers. In a statement following Verizon’s dismissal, Google said, “We are very pleased with the amazing pace of innovation and strength of the Android ecosystem and to be working with partners around the world to bring the Android experience to more people.”