Facebook has announced a number of “improvements” designed to make it easier for users of the popular social networking site to share posts, photos, tags and other content with a specified audience.

As part of the revamped privacy changes, most user controls have been moved from the settings page to being inline, right next to the posts, photos and tags they affect.
“Your profile should feel like your home on the web – you should never feel like stuff appears there that you don’t want, and you should never wonder who sees what’s there,” Facebook rep Chris Cox explained in an official blog post.
“The profile is getting some new tools that give you clearer, more consistent controls over how photos and posts get added to it, and who can see everything that lives there.”
Other major changes include:
- Profile tag review – Previously, photos you were tagged in showed up immediately on your profile. Now you can choose to use this new tool to approve or reject any photo or post you are tagged in – before it’s visible to anyone else.
- Content tag review – You now have the option to review, approve or reject a tag for photos and posts.
- View profile as – Allows you to view your profile as it appears to others with a tool that is located on top of your profile.
- Changing your mind after a post – Now you can change who is allowed to see any post after the fact. If you accidentally posted something to the wrong group, or changed your mind, you can adjust it with the inline control at any time.
- Tag who you’re with – You can add tags of your friends or anyone else on Facebook. If you are ever tagged by a non-friend, it won’t appear on your profile unless you review and approve the post.
- Tag locations – Add location to anything, regardless of what device you are using, or whether it is a status update, photo or Wall post.
- Removing tags or content – This updated feature allows you to remove tags of content from your profile and delete the tag itself. You can also message the photo owner or tagger to request its removal.
The above-mentioned changes are slated to roll out over the next few days. Users who want a more in-depth understanding of the new and updated features will be offered the chance to take a virtual walk-through tour.