A clandestine team of digital partisans has successfully rescued the LimeWire file-sharing client from greedy Hollywood fascists.
To be sure, the LimeWire Pirate Edition (LPE) – based on version 5.6 of the file-sharing client – is now out and unstoppable in the digital wilds of BitTorrent.
“On October 26 the remaining LimeWire developers were forced to shut down the company’s servers and modify remote settings in the filesharing client to try to harm the Gnutella network. They were then laid off,” a source told TorrentFreak.

“Shortly after, a horde of piratical monkeys climbed aboard the abandoned ship, mended its sails, polished its cannons, and released it free to the community.”
According to TorrentFreak, all dependencies on LimeWire LLC’s servers have been removed, along with remote settings (disabled) and the Ask toolbar (unbundled).
In addition, all features of LimeWire Pro have been activated – for free.
“[So], LimeWire Pirate Edition should work better than the last functioning version of LimeWire (5.5.10), and it should keep working for longer.
“[Of course], there’s no adware or spyware, [because] the piratical monkeys are doing this for the benefit of the community.”