A smug Apple has announced that over 100,000 rather pointless applications are now available for download from the company’s App Store. Club Cupertino also announced that users have downloaded “well over” two billion applications.
“The App Store, now with over 100,000 applications available, is clearly a major differentiator for millions of iPhone and iPod touch customers around the world,” oozed Apple’s Phil Schiller. “The iPhone SDK created the first great platform for mobile applications and our customers are loving all of the amazing apps our developers are creating.”??

Travis Boatman of EA mobile expressed similar sentiments: “The App Store has forever changed the mobile gaming industry and continues to improve,” gushed Travis. “With a global reach of over 50 million iPhone and iPod touch users, the App Store has allowed us to develop high quality EA games that have been a huge success with customers.”
Despite Cupertino’s overly smug boasts, the App Store has rapidly outpaced anything the competition has to offer, even if 99,999 of the 100,000 available apps are complete rubbish.
The Android Market – which launched in August 2008 – offers around 10,000 applications. ??Although Android’s numbers are respectable, Apple’s critical mass will undoubtedly allow the company to maintain a comfortable lead in the foreseeable future. ?