Software giant Adobe has found itself in a Gartner quadrant – that’s a kind of a place where it wants to be, apparently.
Gartner, teamed by analysts in very sharp suits indeed, throws different software companies into a matrix it has created, one of the corners of this virtual square being a category called “visionaries”.
This has caused Ricky Liversidge, a VP of product marketing at Adobe, to go into a state of some rapture.

“We believe our position in the Visionaries quadrant is a result of our work and commitment to seamlessly deliver expressive Web applications, content and video across multiple mobile platforms using the Adobe Flash Platform,” said Liversidge.
He waxed ever more eloquent. “It’s exciting to see Adobe’s heritage of providing developers the tools and consistent runtimes to create engaging content broaden to include the mobile space, and we look forward to continued growth of the mobile platform over the coming years.”
The “visionaries” quadrant is part of a report Gartner prepared earlier this month called “Mobile Consumer Application Platform Magic Quadrant report”.
It is all rather self-congratulory and no doubt Gartner and Adobe are slapping each other’s backs in recognition of the importance of this somewhat nebulous award.