AdMob CEO Omar Hamoui has criticized Apple for effectively banning third-party iPhone data collection.
According to Hamoui, the revised iOS terms (section 3.3.9) would prohibit app developers from deploying AdMob and Google advertising platforms on the popular iPhone.

“These advertising related terms both target companies with competitive mobile technologies (such as Google), as well as any company whose primary business is not serving mobile ads,” Hamoui explained in an official blog post.
“This change threatens to decrease – or even eliminate – revenue that helps to support tens of thousands of developers. The terms hurt both large and small developers by severely limiting their choice of how best to make money.”
He added that the change was “clearly” not in the “best interest” of either developers or end-users.
“In the history of technology and innovation, it’s clear that competition delivers the best outcome. Artificial barriers to competition hurt users and developers and, in the long run, stall technological progress.”