Samsung has launched an advanced 1GHz ARM CORTEX A9 dual-core processor for next-gen mobile devices.
The 45nm chip – codenamed Orion – features a pair of 1GHz ARM Cortex A9 cores, each loaded with a 32KB data cache and a 32KB instruction cache.
The processor is also equipped with a 1MB L2 cache that optimizes CPU performance and provides fast context switching in a multi-tasking environment.

In addition, the 1GHz processor boasts an advanced memory interface and bus architecture capable of supporting 30fps HD video playback, 1080P recording and 3D gaming.
“Using an enhanced graphics processing unit (GPU), [Orion] delivers 5 times the 3D graphics performance over the previous processor generation,” explained Samsung spokesperson Dojun Rhee.
Rhee also noted that mobile devices powered by the Orion processor will offer simultaneous support for two on-device display screens – while driving a third external display, such as a TV or a monitor, via an on-chip HDMI 1.3a interface.